Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
AppendixA Internet Connectivity Functional Description
ability of transferring data bet w een t he ATM SAR and t he IP s tac k. Th is custom interface will be
assigned a unique IP address an d will have the ability of creating and deleting IP host-routes that use the
The custom interface will support IP over ATM as described in RFC1483. It will also be an ATMARP
client as described by RFC1577. FigureA-3 sh ows the custom interface that f or t he remainder of this
chapter will be referred to as the IPATM interface.
The IPATM requires the following configuration:
•IP address for the custom inter face ( ad d re ss mu s t b e in sam e IP subnet as router)
•ATM End Station Address (AESA) to be used for SVC call requests to router
•Routers configured as AESA for router to be used by IPATM to connect SVC to router
Figure A-3 IPATM Custom Interface for VxWorks
IP RouterThe IPATM interface actually communicates to a router or a set of routers. The interface from IPATM to
the router is an SVC connecti on . T he I PATM interface has configur ati on t ha t s p ec ifie s a w e ll-known
AESA for the router. When the IPATM interface is configured and attached to VxWorks IP layer, it will
perform the follow i ng steps.
1. Register the IPATM AESA with the SVC Signalling API (SIGAPI) service.
2. Make a series of SVC call requ est s to t he ro u te rs th e i nt er fac e k nows a bo u t.
3. When a call is established, send an ATMARP request to the router to i nform router of the IP addres s
of the IPATM interface.
The SIGAPI provides access to the PX M SAR for the purpose of terminati ng the SVC on the PXM, and
provides a connection establishment procedure for obtaining VC identifiers and procedures for SVC
Note Note that PNNI can be used for routing of call requests from the IPATM interface to IP routers. If PNNI
is not available, then static routes m ust be specified for IPATM to router communication.
To/from ATM connection to router
Client/server API (e.g. Sockets)
FTP SV+ TimeOfDay