Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter3 Network Topology Topology Main Window
Left click on the menu to view the available options. S croll to the selected option a nd release the mouse
button to select a menu item. Ad d it io na lly, keyboar d s hor tcu t s ( acc ele ra to rs) a nd mnemonics are also
provided to directly launch a menu selection.
The available menu options are discussed in detail later in this chapter.
Tool BarThe network topology toolbar replaces the desktop of previous releases of CWM and Cisco StrataView
Plus. The network topology toolbar provides icons that enable you to launch the more frequently used
functions of CWM. The following CW M ap p lic ations, (discussed in detail late r in this chapter), can be
launched by clicking on the app rop r iat e i co n:
•Connection Manager
•Network Browser
•Service Class Template Manager
•Statistics Collection Manager
•Security Manager
•Summary Reports
•Wingz Reports
•Cisco View
The following functions are also available on the network topology tool bar:
The network topology tool bar is a dockable tool bar. You can separate the toolbar from the network
topology main window or pos ition it vertically instead o f horizontally. To separate the tool bar, left cli ck
the mouse in the tool bar position handler and drag the tool bar to the desktop location you prefer.
Hierarchy Tree and GraphThe Hierarchy tree and graph panels provide topology information in a list or textual format (hierarchy
tree) or in a graphical view. The hie ra rchy t ree di s play s much mo re info rmati on th an the gra phic al view.
However, the graphical view more readily displays relationships, locations, and status of components.
Network Topology ViewsTabs at the bottom of the Network Topology Main Window provide different views of the topology
information based upon the type of view desired. Each tab holds hierarchy tree and graph views. The
vertical panel that separates these views can be moved to resize either the hierarchy tree or the graph
view. The three tabs are: