Cisco WAN Manager Users Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter12 Downloading Software and Firmware Preparing the IPX/BPX Switch to Download Software or Firmware
Downloading Switch Software or Firmware From the C WM Workst ati on to a Switch
To download images to an MGX , complete the following steps:
Step 1 Copy IPX or BPX images to th e CW M w o rkstations /usr/users/svplus/images/ipxbpx directory, and
MGX images to the /usr/users/svplus/images/mgx direct ory.
Step 2 Launch the CWM desktop and login as a user with All access privileges for Topology. The Network
Topology window is displayed.
Step 3 Click on the node icon in the Network Topology window, upon which you want to download the switch
software/firmware images, then sel ect SW/FW Images from the Too ls dropdown menu of the Topology
menu bar.
The Image DownLoader window is displayed . This window displays a list of the software th at is loaded
on the CWM worksta ti o n (in the /usr/users/svp lus/images/ directory) for the type of node
selected.Choose the im a ge you wish to download, th e n s e le c t Download.
When the download has completed , p le ase telnet to the switch and us e t h e sw it ch CLI to verify and
invoke the images.
Note For additional details pertaining t o t h e sw it ch es, please refer to the approp riate Cisco switch
Image Filename Conventions
The following naming conventions are used for so f twar e i m ag es:

IGX and BPX Conventions

IGX and BPX software images h ave th e foll owing format (where Release is 9. 2.0 ) :
IGX and BPX firmware i m a g es ha ve t he following format:
<FW Release>.img

MGX Conventions

The following naming convention is used f or so f tw ar e i mag es :
<cardtype>_<A>_<B> [<C>_<D>].fw