Cisco WAN Manager Users Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter2 Starting and Stopping Cisco WAN Manager Starting Cisco WAN Manager
Step 11 Press Return to redisplay the main menu.
At this point, you can issue other main menu options to start the CWM desk top or the Statistics Manager.
Step 12 Enter 3 to launch the CWM Desktop.
Step 13 From the CWM Desktop, l ef t c lick on the Statistic Coll ec tion Manager icon to lau n ch th e Statistics
Manager application.
Minimize the Statistic Colle cti on M a nager window.
Step 14 Right click on the desktop and select Programs > Term ina l to open another xterm window.
Step 15 In the new xterm window, enter ovw & to start the Openview application which opens the Openview
graphical user interface (GUI) an d th e Eve nt M an ag er.
The IP map contains HPOVs view of the attached IP network and the CWM map contains the CWM
nodes which are displayed directly from CWM via the SvOvTopology daemon. Use the buttons in the
Event Manager window to view desired event categories.
Performing a Warm Start of CWM
A warm start of CWM consis ts of stopping the applica tion, then restarting it. A warm start of CWM can
aid in overcoming some database inconsistencies, and more importantly, no data is lost. When you
perform a warm start of CWM, the application continues to use data in the existing Informix
To perform a warm start of CWM, c om p le te the following steps:
Step 1 From the CWM main menu , e nt e r 2 to se lec t the Stop Core option, then confirm t hat you want to stop
core by responding y to the prompt.
It should take less than a minute for all of the processes and messages to end.
Step 2 Press Return to redispla y the CWM main menu.
Step 3 From the main menu, enter 1 to select the Start Core option.
Step 4 When the CWM main menu i s d isp lay ed , enter 3 to launch the CWM Desktop.
Performing a Cold Start of CWM
You perform a cold start of CWM when you start the a pplication with an empty databas e. A cold start is
typically used following a CWM upgrade or if ther e were too many database inconsistencies within the
network for a warm s ta rt recovery to be suc ces s f u l . You use th e create_db command to bui ld a new,
empty database. The command create_db destroys any existing data in the database in c lu di n g
statistics and object comments.
Cold start options include the following:
coldstart -F