Cisco WAN Manager Users Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Appendix A Internet Connec tivity
Functional Description
Also, router configuration allows the router to route packets from the IPATM interface SVC to a IP host
that wishes to manage or access the MGX 8850 Release 2 using TCP/IP clients. This configuration can
be separated into two distinct parts:
The first part involves the configuration nee de d to in te rface with the IPATM interface(s) using an
The second part involv es the con f ig urat io n r equi red t o ma p d ata rece i v ed from a IP h os t/w ork sta t ion
to the correct SVC for the MG X 8 85 0 Re lease 2.
The router configuration required f o r IPATM interface SVC is as f ol lows :
Creation of IP interface that supports ATM protocol. This interface is assigned an IP address. This
address may be on the same subnet as all MGX 8850 Releas e 2 IPATM interfaces reachable by this
router, or may be a unique host route. I n the latter case, extra configuration of th e router is required
to provide IP Host-routing functionality. This is described later in the Limitations and Design
Assignment of well- k nown ATM End Station Address (A E SA) for the routers IP interface. This
AESA is to be used by IPATM interfaces to call rou ter.
If Routers IP interface supports ATMARP (RFC1577) the Routers IP interface is configured to be
the ATMARP server for the MGX 8850 Release 2.
If Routers IP interfa ce does not support ATMARP (RFC1577) assignment of a map table that maps
each MGX 8850 Release 2 IP ad dres s to the MGX 8850 Release 2 AESA .
The router configuration required f o r IP h o st/ wo r kst ati on c om munication to MGX 8850 Relea se 2 :
If Routers IP interface supports ATMARP (RFC1577) handle receipt of ATMARP request from
MGX 8850 Release 2 IPATM interfaces. Dynamically add the m apping of the IPATM interfaces IP
address and SVC endpoint to the ATMARP table.
If Routers IP interface does not support AT MARP (RFC1 577) manua lly conf ig ure one IP h ost-ro ute
for each MGX 8850 Release 2 o n th e r o ut ers inter face.
Using a routing protocol (usually RIP), router broadcasts each IP reachable network or list of IP
reachable hosts to remote IP host/workstations that are running the same routing protocol. Included
in this broadcast will be the subnet or IP addresses of the MGX 8850 Release 2.
FigureA-4 describes the IP router function that provides IP connectivity to MGX 8850 Release 2.
FigureA-4 SVC Interface Between IPATM and Routers
Client/server API (e.g. Sockets)
Router #1 To/from other
IP Networks
Router #n
MGX 8850 R2
To/from other
IP Networks