Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter 9 Summary Repo rt and Wingz Report Launching Summary Reports
To delete all records not associated with an active ob ject, and to delete all unmatched reco rds regardless
of age, type a zero when prompted for retention period. You should perform this operation periodically
to clean out the statistics d a ta ba se.
Launching Summary ReportsTo launch summary reports, complete the following procedure:
Step 1 Open a terminal window.
Step 2 Enter the NWReport command at the prompt.
The summary report window (see Figure 9-3) displays statistical and gra ph ic a l da ta for the selected
report type.
Configuring Summary ReportsThis section describes how to use summary reports.
Select a report type option from either the Resource Capacity or Performance Data menus. When you
select the Resource Capacity menu’s Network Report option, a statistical an d gr ap h ic al vi ew o f th e
resources being utilized at every node in the network is displayed in the Result pane in this window.
Select any of the Performance Data menu’s options for a list of report filters available through
Connection - Connection Traffic Summary, Connection - Connection Traffic Dropped, Trunk - Trunk
Traffic, or Port - Port Traffic Summary windows, resp ectively. You need to select the desir ed report filter
options in these windows, then cli ck o n th e Plot button. The statistical and graphical dat a i s t he n
displayed in the Report Application window.
Note Unlike the Wingz application, only one report is displayed at a time.
When a report is displayed in the Result pane, print or save it in a n AS C II file.
File—Save Menu Option
Select this option to save the data used to plot the graph into a CSF (Comma Separated Forma t) file you
specify. When multiple graphs are displayed, each graph is saved in a separate file. A unique file name
is created by appending a number to the f i le name spec if ie d. The graphs are nu mber ed le ft t o right . Each
file has a “.csf” extension and th e fi les are saved in the /usr/users/svplus/report directory.
File—Print Menu Option
Select this option to choose a printer or file name. Select file name, and a postscript image is saved to
the /usr/users/svpl us/report/<file_name>.ps file, where <file_name> is the name of th e file specified.
When multiple graphs or tables are displ ayed on th e screen, all graphs or ta bles are sav ed in the s ame fil e.
File—Exit Menu Option
Select this option to term i na te the Report Application. The Re port Application window is c lo s ed .