Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter1 1 CWM to CWM Communica tions Enabling CWM to CWM Communications
Syncing Table sct_usage@m m e nd sl2 with
sct_usage@cwmtopo62............. ........[DONE]
Syncing Table conn_template@mmendsl2 with
conn_template@cwmtopo62...... .......[DONE]
Syncing Table conn_templ_param@mmendsl2 with
conn_templ_param@cwmtopo62... ....[DONE]
Syncing Table scmcardenable@mmendsl2 with
scmcardenable@cwmtopo62......... ....[DONE]
Syncing Table scmnodeenab l e@mmendsl2 with
scmnodeenable@cwmtopo62........ .....[DONE]
Syncing Table scmnodecollhost@mmendsl2 with
scmnodecollhost@cwmtopo6 2.........[DONE]
Syncing Table scmtemplate@mmendsl2 wi th
scmtemplate@cwmtopo62............ .....[DONE]
Syncing Table scmcolpar@mmendsl2 with
scmcolpar@cwmtopo62............ .........[DONE]
Syncing Table scmcolparsubobj@mmendsl2 with
scmcolparsubobj@cwmtopo62... ......[DONE]
Syncing Table scmcolparstat@mmendsl2 with
scmcolparstat@cwmtopo62....... ......[DONE]
Syncing Table user_conn_desc@mmendsl2 with
user_conn_desc@cwmtopo62.... .......[DONE]
Executing this script copies the followi ng use r-related tables in the stratacom datab a se from the remote
CWM workstation specifie d by <remote_CWM_workstation_name> to the local machine: