Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter 9 Summary Repo rt and Wingz Report Configuring Summary Reports
Data for both ends of the connection are plotted side by side. The statistic types used to plot this report
are based on the end-point typ e o f th e co nn ec tion. The Report Application r et r ieves p eak in s t an ces
(within the plot period) of all statistic types from the database and calculates the following:
•peak number of bytes received from the network (in percentage of CIR) = (peak number of bits
received per second / CIR) * 100
•peak number of bytes tr an smitted to the networ k (i n percentage of CIR) = (p eak number of bits
transmitted per seco n d / CIR) * 100
The following conversions are used to convert to bi ts per second:
•For FR endpoints, convert bytes received to bits per second (peak number of bytes received * 8) /
(peak interval * 60)
•for ATM/CE endpoints, convert cells received to bits per second, using Connection Manager’s
conversion formula (each cell has a 48 byte payload)
peak bps = (peak number cells received * 48 * 8) / (peak interval * 60)
•for VOICE/DATA endpoints, convert packets to bits per second (each packet has 24 bytes)
peak bps = (peak number packets received * 24 * 8) / (peak interval * 60)
Select Connection for Repor t PaneThis Select Connection for Report pane is comprised of the following components:
Clear Button
Click on this button to cl ear t he Connection Identifier pane and re tu rn t o the default settings.
Filter Button
Click on this button to p op u lat e the Connection Identifier pane with the connections matching the
report filter optio ns s pe cified.
Connection Type Butt ons
Click on a button (Voice, Data, FR, ATM, or CE) to select that particular connection type. A list of the
connections corresponding to that connection type are dis played in the Connection Identifier pane once
you click on the Filter button. By default, all conn ec tion types are select ed .
Table9-3 Required Statistics for Connection Traffic Summary Report
End-point Type Percentage of Bytes
Received (Stats ID) Pe rcen tage of B ytes Transmitted
(Stats ID) Percentage of Time in Service
(Stats ID)
FR Bytes received (9) Bytes transmitted (11) Seconds In Service (16)
ASI - ATM Cells received Port (29) Cells transmitted Port(4 5) —
AUSM - ATM Total cells received (68) Total cells transmitted (61) Seconds In Service (16)
Cisco MGX 8220 - CE Total cells received (72) Total cells transmitted (71) —
Voice Packets received (4) Packets transmitted (6) Seconds In Service (16)
Data Packets received (4) Packets transmitted (6) Seconds In Service (16)