Cisco WAN Manager Users Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter7 Service Class Template Manager Changing SCT Param e ters
The SCT Tables are the white rows and column s th at ap p ear i n th e u p pe r ha lf o f th e S C T M an ag er
Window. The rows are the service types, and the columns are the paramet ers. Different parameter tables
are displayed by selecting one of the different table tabs. The table tabs run horizontally through the
middle of the SCT Manager. Figure 7-7 shows a chosen service category field w it h t h e Po li cy tab
Figure7-7 SCT Manager with a Service Category Field selected
Figure7-8 sh ows t h e SC T Manager with the CAC Treatment field for RT VBR .1 sel ect ed and the
pull-down menu displayed. To change this value, select a different value from the pull-down menu.