Cisco WAN Manager Users Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter4 Connection Manager PVC Connections Supported by Release 10 of CWM
Initial Cell Rate (ICR): The cell ra te used to begin a transmission on a conn ection that has been
idle for a configured period of time. This value is a percentage of the PCR for the logical
interface. 1000000 is equal to 100%. (Used only on ABR service type connections.) Range and
Units: 0-1000000.
Max Burst Size(MBS): The ma ximum number of cells that ma y arrive at a rate equal to the PCR.
Used for policing. Range and Units: 1-5000000.
Max Frame Size(MFS): The maxi m u m A A L5 f ra me size in cells.
Cell Delay Variation Tolerance(CDVT): Specifies t he tr an s mi t/receive Cell Delay Variation
Tolerance for the second leaky bucket. The second bucket applies t o cells with CLP(0). CDVT
is the maximum time for accumulated violations of cell-arrival time parameters.
VC Packet Discard Mode: Enables or disa b le s Packet D i s car d Mod e on th e c onnection. Range
and units: 1=enabled; 2=disabled.
Max Threshold: The VcMax Threshold for CLP (0+1) cells in microseconds. Range and units:
0-5000000 microseconds.
CLP (1) High Threshold: Cell Loss Priority High Threshold (% of VC QMax) is the highest
threshold for the bit in the hea de r of an ATM cell that i de nt ifi es th e cel l as eligible for discard
within the network under predefined congestion conditions. Most often set by the ingress
policing function.
CLP (1) Low or EPDs (1): Cell Loss Priority Low Threshold (% of VC QMax)/ Early Packet
Discard. If AAL5 FBTC = yes, then for the BXM card this is the EPD threshold setting. EPDs
is the lowest threshold for the bit in th e header of an ATM cell that identifies the cell as el igible
for discard within the network under predefined congestion conditions.
EPD Threshold: Early Packet Discard Threshold. The maximum threshold for CLP (0+1) cells.
This value is a percentage of the MAX_CELL THRESH for the connection. 1000000 is equal
to 100%. Range and value: 0-1000000.
EFCI Threshold: Explicit Forwa rd Cong esti on Indica tion. The VC EFCI d iscar d thres hold. T his
value is a percentage of MAX_CELL THRE SH. 100 0000 is eq ual to m1 00%. Ran ge and v alues :
Class of Service Scaling: Class of Service Scaling provides a means of scaling through a set of
extended parameters, which are generally platform specific, based on a set of standard ATM
parameters passed to the VSI slave during connection set up.
CI Control: Congestion Indication Control. Indicates whether the EFCI Threshold has been
VSVD: Virtual Source/ Virtual Destination. A VSVD is an ABR connection which may be
divided into two or more separately controlled ABR segments. Each ABR control segment ,
except the first, is sourced by a virtual source. Sources and destinations are linked via
bi-directional connections, an d eac h c onnection termination point i s b ot h a so urce and a
destination, a source for data that is transmitting, and a destination for data that is receiving.
ACR Decrease Time Factor: Allowed Cell Rate Decrease Time Facto r. Sets the Decr ea se Time
Factor for the VC queue service rate being used on an ABR connection.
ABR Rate Decrease Factor: Available Bit R at e-Rate Decrease Factor. Sets the Rate D e cr ease
Factor on an ABR variable r ate ATM service type utilizing the For eS i gh t alg orithm for
congestion avoidance.
Rate Increase Factor(RIF): A pe rc en tag e increase in the allowable cell ra te for an A B R
connection if the BRM cell s do not have the N1 or C1 b its s et.
Number of Data Cells Between FRM Cells