Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Service Class Template ManagerThis chapter describes the CWM Service Class Template (SCT) desktop application. The SCT
application allows users to map standard connection protocol parameters for AXSM, AXSM-E, and
RPM cards using a set of data structures that assoc iate VSI service types to sets of pre-configured Virtual
Channel (VC), and Class of Service Buffer (CoSB) parameters.
SCT Overview
The Service Class Template application is a Java bas ed CWM process that allows for creating SC T files
which can then be loaded to no des, and can be associated with interfaces on cards within the nodes. This
application is launched from th e C W M d esk to p an d all ows users and network operators t o co nfigu r e
AXSM, AXSM-E, and RPM cards, using the Service Class Template feature. Specifically, users or
network operators are able to use the SCT applicati on to create, modify, delete, download, and associate
SCT files to AXSM cards and ports.
VC Descriptor
The Virtual Channel Descriptor Template is a co m pon e n t of a Service Class Template that contains
platform specific VC configuration , a nd i s in d exed pr im arily by Service Type. A Service Type is a
concept for grouping connections that share a common set of traffic character istics and QoS (Quality of
Service) requirements. The VC De scriptor Template defines SCT parameters that are applied to all VCs
and that match a specified Servi ce Type. As defined in the SCT MIB for the A X S M c ar d, a V C
Descriptor for AXSM consists of 36 elements, including the SCT ID, of which the VC Descriptor is a
part, the Service Type and the CoSB (Class of Service Buffer) number, which indicates the CoSB used
for the connections.
CoSB Descriptor
The Class of Service Buffer is a buffer or queue th at serves connections with similar QoS r equirements.
A CoSB Descriptor Templa te c ont ains CoSB c onfi gu ra tion s, w it h 18 a ttr ib ut es for AXSM ca rds i nd ex e d
by CoSB number.