Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter12 Downloading Software and Firmware
Preparing the IPX/BPX Switch to Download Softwar e or Firm wa r e
Preparing the IPX/BPX Switch to Download Software or FirmwareBefore downloading software and firmwar e t o a sw it ch , u s e th e Sw it ch CL I ( Co m ma nd Line Interface)
to execute the following command s. This is required regardless o f how the software image transfer w ill
be initiated.
Note The following procedures are applic ab le to I P X an d BPX switches only.
Step 1 Access the Switch CLI by attach in g a d u m b ter mi na l to the switch or telnet to the switch.
When you select the switch node from the CWM Network Topology window and then select the Node
menu’s Node Admin option, the CWM software te ln ets to the switch. A new term inal window is
displayed for your use.
Step 2 Enable the switch to allow downloadi ng . F rom t he S w it ch C LI , execu te th e following command:
Step 3 Use the Index column’s value for the Download From Remote StrataView entry in the following
cnffunc <index> e
In the example, <index> would be set to 6. The “e” parameter specifies to enable the functio n. Once this
command is executed, the swi tch a llows downloading from a CWM workstation, provided the la tter is
connected to another switc h in the same netw ork .
Step 4 Invoke the following command when a redundant processor card is not installed.
shows sample output from the cnfnodeparm command. When a redundant processor card (BCC, NP M,
or NPC) is not installed, you should set the parameter indicating the presence of a redundant processor
to No. In the command output, l ook for the numb er corre spo ndi ng to t he CC Redundancy Cnfged entry .
Step 5 Invoke the following comma nd :
cnfnodeparm <number> N
When you have a redundant processor card and the value for the para m eter CC Redundancy Cnfged is
Yes, you are requesting an image download into both processors (active and redundant).
Note If CC Redundancy Cnfged is Yes and no redundant processor card is present, the download is
Step 6 Configure the switch to receive sof twa re o r firm wa re im ag es f r om th e C W M w or k stat io n by invoking
the cnffwswinit command:
cnffwswinit <IP_addr_CWM_workstation>
Note The step above is required if you are using a CWM workstation to send the download request to the