Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter7 Service Class Template Manager Reset Button
Figure7-9 SCT Manager with ABR.1 Selected
Reset Button
The RESET button resets all of t he SCT fields to their s aved settings.
Associate Button
The ASSOCIATE button allows you to se lect a network.To associate an SCT file, select the appropriate
SCT file from the Tree panel and then press the Associate button. Pressing the Associate button opens
a dialog box prompting you for a P ort o r Ca rd ID . After e nteri ng t he ID, p re ss t he OK button to associate
the SCT file.
Saving a New or Modified SCT
To save a new or modified SCT, click the Save or Save As button in the lower left corner of the SCT
Manager. Enter a new name and press enter.