Cisco WAN Manager Users Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter9 Summary Report and Wingz Report
Configuring Summary Reports
Figure9-7 Trunk Traffic Summary Window
The statistic types used to plo t t hi s r ep or t ar e b ase d on the trunks end-point type. Table 9 -5 describes
the statistic types needed. The Report Application retrieves all instances (within the plot period) of the
statistics types from the database and calculates the following:
percentage of bytes received from network = (number of packets or cells received per second / line
load) * 100
percentage of bytes trans mi tted to the network = (number of packets or cells transmitted per second
/ line load) * 100
percentage of time unavailable = (unavailable seconds / (bucket interval * 60)) * 100
When the Include Peak Data button is enabled, the percen t peak values of the total traffic tr an sm it te d
and received for a selected trunk a re di s p lay ed . T he percent peak values are plotte d in th e same graph
with the percent average data. Data for both ends of the trunk are plotted side by side. The Report
Application retrieves statistics fr om th e d atabase and calculates the fol lowin g :
peak number of bytes received from the network (in percentage of line load) = ((peak number of
packets or cells received) / (peak interval * line load)) * 100
peak number of bytes transmitted to the network (in percentage of line load) = ((peak number of
packets or cells transmitte d) / (peak interval * line lo ad)) * 100
The statistic types used to plo t t hi s r ep ort are based on the end-point type o f th e connection.