Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter7 Service Class Template Manager
Functional Interaction
•RIF: Rate Increase Factor. A percentag e i nc re ase in the allowable cell rate for an A B R c onnection
if the BRM cells do not h ave t he N 1 or C 1 bits set.
•NRM: Number RM. The maximum number of data cells that can be sent be fore sending an RM cell
on an ABR connection.
•TRM: Time RM/Minimal Adjustment Period. The maximum amount of time between RM cells on
an ABR connection.
•CDF: Cutoff Decrease Factor. CDF control s t he de cr eas e in ACR (A llow ed C el l r at e) , w h ich i s an
ABR service parameter, associ ate d w ith C RM (Cell Rate Margin), whic h is a measure of the
difference between the effective bandw idth allocation and the allocat ion for sustainable rate in ce lls
per second.
•TBE:Transient Buffer Exposure. The numb er o f RM cel ls t ha t c an b e sen t ou t by a v irtu al so ur ce
before waiting for a BRM cell in return.
•FRTT: Fixed Round-Trip Time. The amount of delay expected for an RM ce ll to t ravel thro ug h th e
network to the destination and back again.
•WFQ: Weighted Fair Queuing is an a pproximation of the Gen er ali zed P r o ces so r S h ar in g (G P S)
scheduling. WFQ can be generally used to give performance guarantees to connections carrying
best-effort packet traffic, where each connection can be guaranteed bandwidth in proportion to its
weight and in a fair manner.
All CoSB: Presents all CoSB information within the VC panel display•CoSB No: Class of Service Bu ffer N u mb er. The nu m b er th at id en ti fies on e of t he six te en Co s b
buffers. A Cosb buffer is a buffer that s er v ice s connections with simil ar Q oS requirements. Range
and units:1-16.
•Minimum Rate: Min Cell R ate (MCR): Set to default value. T his field is not editable.
•Maximum Rate: Peak Cell Rate (PCR). Set to default value. This field is not editable.
•Minimum Priority: The pr io r it y a t w h ic h this COSB will be servic ed to guarantee it minimu m an d
maximum bandwidth requirements. Highest priority = 0; Lowest priority = 15. Range and units:
•Excess Priority: The priority at which this COSB will be given access to exc ess bandwidth. Highest
priority = 0; Lowest priority = 15. Range and units: 0-15.
•Maximum Threshold:The VcMax Threshold fo r CLP ( 0+1) c ells i n mic rose cond s. Ra ng e and un its :
0-5000000 microseconds.
•CLP-HIGH: Cell Loss Priority Hi gh Threshold (% of VC QMax) is the highest threshold for the bit
in the header of an ATM cell that ident ifies the cell as eligible for d iscard within the network und er
predefined congestion co ndition s. Mos t often s et by the in gress po lici ng fun ction. Range a nd val ues:
•CLP-LOW/EPD1: CLP (1) Low or EPDs (1): Cell Loss Priority Low Threshold (% of VC QMax)/
Early Packet Discard. If AAL5 FBTC = yes, th en for the BXM card this is the EPD threshold setting.
EPDs is the lowest threshold for the bit in the header of an ATM cell tha t identifies the cell as eligible
for discard within the network under predefined congestion conditions.
•EPD0 Threshold: Early Packet Discard Threshold. The maximum threshold for CLP (0+1) cells.
This value is a percentage of the MAX_CELL THRESH for the connection. 1000000 is equal to
100%. Range and value: 0-1000000.
•EFCI Threshold: Ex pl ic i t F or w ar d Congestion Indicati on . The VC EFCI discar d th r e s h ol d. This
value is a percentage of MAX_CELL THRESH. 1000000 is equal to m100%. Range and values: