Cisco WAN Manager Users Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter5 Network Browser
Figure5-10 Port Information
For BPX nodes, properties for the sele cted port is indicated by the default Properties tab located at the
bottom of the Netwo rk Browser window, and i ncludes slot.port, a dmin state, port sp eed and whether the
port is XLMI enabled.
Click on the RscPrtn tab to display additional information about the sel ecte d port includ ing th e slot .port,
part ID, Ctlr type, e gr ess and in gre ss gua rant e ed a nd m axi mum ban dwi dths , m ini mu m and m axi mum v pi
and vci, minimum and maximum connections and ch annels , and ingres s and egress percent ba ndwid th.
Click on the Status tab to display additional information about the selected port including slot.port and
port status.
Click on the Misc tab to display additional information about the selected port including slot.port and
miscellaneous comments.
Click on the All tab to display ad d iti onal information on all of th ese cat egories in one screen.
For nodes other than BPX nodes, configuration information for the selected port is indicated by the
default Configuration tab located at the bottom of the Network Browser window, and includes
slot.line.port, admin state, guaranteed and maximum bandwidth, interface type, port SCT ID, SCT
version, VPI #, IF index, port spee d, high spe e d, sign al s tat e, IMA po rt , lin e map, # of redu nda nc y li nk s,
maximum delay, IMA master, local and remote IMA ID, line order, IMA symmetry and XLMI
Click on the RscPrtn tab to display additional information about the selected port including the
slot.line.port, ingress guaranteed and maximum bandwidth, minimum and maximum vpi and vci,
minimum connections, maximum connections, minimum channels, maximum channels, ingress and
egress percent bandwidth.