Cisco WAN Manager Users Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter10 Network Configurator Community String Configuration
Step 10 Select File, then Save from the Network C onfigurator window.
Note Changes made using the Network Co nfi gurator are not sav ed in the node_info table of the database unt il
you press the Save button. If the Exit button is pressed, no change s will be made to the node_info table.
The new node information is updated on the expanded node tree of the Network Configurator window.
Contents of the node_info table should only be displayed or edited through the Network Configurator.
Note Only one instance of the Network Configurator should be used at a time for performing an operation.
CWM provides tools that generate a unique no de ID, bu t if m ultipl e sess ions of t he Confi gurato r are use d
at the same time, problems w i ll oc cur.
Community String Configuration
Release 10.4 of CWM a llows the configuratio n o f c o m m unity strings for SN M P management. CWM
supports various multi-service-switching devices. Prior to the 10.4 release, CWM supported
configurable SNMP community string settings for MGX8850/R2 nodes only. The CWM application
Network Configurator is used to configure SNMP commu ni ty str in gs from MGX8850/ R2 devi c es. All
other devices use default SNMP community strings from the svplus.config file. For some devices such
as MGX8220 and MGX8850/R1 SNMP, the community strings are hard coded from the device side.
The community strings on the devices and the community strings used by CWM do not sync up
automatically (exc ept at th e ini tia l st age wh en th e com muni ty s tring s on t he de vi ces are a t def aul t). U sers
have to explicitly change them on both sides (us ing the Network Configurator on CWM). If this is not
done, all SNMP requests (including RTM) will fail, and CWMs database be inconsistent with the
Note The Runconfig does not require the CWM core to be running; it can be used when it is up and running
or when its down.

To Configure Community Strings:

Step 1 Change the community strings o n the devices via CLI. You will need to telnet to the swi tch to configure
the community strings at the switches.
Step 2 Use the CWM Network Configurator to change the community strings, then choose Save from the
menu. After saving, the CWM processes use the new community strings for SNMP accesses. The
Primary CWM also sends the configured community strings to other Secondary CWMs through the
CWM Gateways.