Cisco WAN Manager User’s Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter8 Statistics Collection Manager Card Families
Figure8-18 Nodes grouped by platform
Window Refresh
SCM provides a refresh option that displays all changes made to node configurations. To refresh the
SCM window you must collapse the expanded SCM tree, as shown in Figure8-18, by double clicking
on the root node, and then re- e xpan din g the t ree to se e the ne w conf i gur ati on. Thi s re fr esh opti on appl ie s
to Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary configurations.
Card FamiliesThe following is a list of c ar d fami li es mapped to the cards they s u p po r t. T he list is organized by
platform, with card families and the card(s) it supports listed after each platform.
IPX switch: