Cisco WAN Manager Users Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter6 Security Manager
Creating New Profiles
Note Unless Network Topology has Read permissions, Config Save & Restore, Image Download, and Node
Resync cannot be selected. Al s o, if a ny of these three applications a re se l ect ed in a pr o file , N e two r k
Topology cannot be de-selected.

Read Privileges

With read privileges a user can view displays and topology windows, list connections, and other
functions where information is r ea d. Read privileges are similar to th e s vp lus - r acc ou n t f r om ear li er
releases of CWM.

Create Privileges

With create privileges, a user can create and configure connect ions, perform association backup, and add
nodes, ports, and trunks .

Modify Privileges

With modify privileges, a user is also gr an t ed re ad p rivileg es. A user with modify access can mo di f y
connections, ports, and trunks, and add and delete nodes and groups.

Delete Privileges

With delete privileges, a user is a ls o g ra nt ed read privileges. A user with d el ete access can delete
connections, ports, trunks, nodes and groups.

All Privileges

If granted all privileges, a user ha s r ead , c re at e, m odify and delete privileges for the as so cia ted
New Profile
To create a new security profile, comple te the following steps:
Note Only users who have Create or All privileges for Security Manager can create a new profile.
Step 1 From the Security Manager window, select the New Profile tab as shown in Figure6-7.
Step 2 Enter a Profile Name in the d ata fie ld .
Step 3 Select all desired access privileges and then click Create to create the new profile.