Cisco WAN Manager Users Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003


The primary goal of your Cisco WAN Manager (CWM) network design is to build the simplest, most
economical communication network possible while enabling both flat and tiered networks.
Determination of the number and placement of CWM workstations throughout the network is largely
dependent on the amount of message traffic between CWM and the nodes within the network, and the
ability of either CWM or the ind ivid u al M G X 8850 series, BPX® 8600 series, or IGX 8400 series
nodes to process the messages. As each component in the network owns indigenous factors that
contribute to overall performance, a key issue becomes understanding the limitation of each component
and determining which co mpo n e n t i s th e limiting factor in the net work design.

Connecting to Cisco WAN Manager

Each CWM workstation res i de nt within a network must be ab le to communicate with all nodes within
the network.
Each node can have two different IP addresses. The first is the network IP address. You configure the
network IP address on a switch by invoking the cnfnw ip command from the Switch Com m an d Lin e
Interface (CLI). The network IP address i s used by CWM to communicate with all nod es in the network.
The second type of IP address , is th e LAN IP a dd res s. It is conf i gur ed on a swi tch b y i n v ok ing t he cnflan
command from the Switch CLI. CWM uses t he LA N IP a ddress fo r comm unic atin g wi th a ga te wa y node
and all feeder nodes.
Note The network and LAN IP addresses should be configured on all of the nodes that are to communicate
directly with CWM. All no des that communicate with th e CWM workstation throug h a gateway node do
not need a LAN IP address. These nodes use the network address via the trunks between nodes and are
Following are descriptions of various components found in a CWM network:
Cisco WAN Manager Gateway Node
A Gateway node provides topo logy and othe r vital infor mation a bout t he netw ork to CWM. The Gate way
node name is specified in the /usr/users/svplus/config/network.conf file on the CWM workstation.