Cisco WAN Manager Users Guide
Version 10.5, Part Number 78-12945-01 Rev. D0, August 2003
Chapter4 Connection Manager Starting Connection Manager

Configure - New ATM-VISM Conn ection

Select this option to create a new ATM-VISM co nn ec tio n .

Configure - New VISM-VISM

Select this option to create a new V ISM - V I SM connection.
Supported Connection Service Types and Prot ocols
Release 10 of Cisco WAN Manager supports the following connections:
Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM)
ATM Router Processor Module (ATM-RPM)
Frame Relay (FR)
Frame Relay
Frame User Network Interface (FU N I )
Frame Forwarding
Circuit Emulation (CE)
Voice and Data service modules
When adding a new connection from the Connection Manager application, you are asked to spec ify the
service type and protocol.
The following tables list the ser vi ce t y pe an d pr o toco l selections available for each conn ec tio n ty p e.