Parameter Name Description Type
HVM-shadow-multiplier Floating point value which
controls the amount of
shadow memory overhead
to grant the VM. Defaults to
1.0 (the minimum value),
and should only be changed
by advanced users.
PV-kernel path to the kernel read/write
PV-ramdisk path to the initrd read/write
PV-args string of kernel command line
PV-legacy-args string of arguments to make
legacy VMs boot
PV-bootloader name of or path to bootloader read/write
PV-bootloader-args string of miscellaneous
arguments for the bootloader
last-boot-CPU-flags describes the CPU flags on
which the VM was last booted
read only
resident-on the XenServer host on which
a VM is currently resident
read only
affinity a XenServer host which
the VM has preference for
running on; used by the xe
vm-start command to decide
where to run the VM
other-config A list of key/value pairs
that specify additional
configuration parameters for
the VM
For example, a VM will be
started automatically after
host boot if the other-config
parameter includes the key/
value pair auto_poweron: true
read/write map parameter