The VM or VMs on which this operation should be performed are selected using the standard selection mechanism (see VM selectors). Optional arguments can be any number of the VM parameters listed at the beginning of this section.
Lists disks attached to the specified VMs. The
The VM or VMs on which this operation should be performed are selected using the standard selection mechanism (see VM selectors). Optional arguments can be any number of the VM parameters listed at the beginning of this section.
Remove a disk from the specified VMs and destroy it.
The VM or VMs on which this operation should be performed are selected using the standard selection mechanism (see VM selectors). Optional arguments can be any number of the VM parameters listed at the beginning of this section.
Export the specified VMs (including disk images) to a file on the local machine. Specify the filename to export the VM into using the filename parameter. By convention, the filename should have a .xva extension.
If the metadata parameter is true, then the disks are not exported, and only the VM metadata is written to the output file. This is intended to be used when the underlying storage is transferred through other mechanisms, and permits the VM information to be recreated (see the section called
The VM or VMs on which this operation should be performed are selected using the standard selection mechanism (see VM selectors). Optional arguments can be any number of the VM parameters listed at the beginning of this section.
Import a VM from a