Parameter Name Description Type
other-config:promiscuous true to a VIF to be
promiscuous on the bridge,
so that it sees all traffic over
the bridge. Useful for running
an Intrusion Detection System
(IDS) or similar in a VM.
read write
network-uuid the unique identifier/object
reference of the virtual
network to which this VIF is
read only
network-name-label the descriptive name of the
virtual network to which this
VIF is connected
read only
io_read_kbs average read rate in kB/s for
this VIF
read only
io_write_kbs average write rate in kB/s for
this VIF
read only
vif-create vm-uuid=<uuid_of_the_vm> device=<see below>
network-uuid=<uuid_of_the_network_the_vif_will_connect_to> [mac=<mac_address>]
Create a new VIF on a VM.
Appropriate values for the device field are listed in the parameter allowed-VIF-devices on the
specified VM. Before any VIFs exist there, the allowable values are integers from 0-15.
The mac parameter is the standard MAC address in the form aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff. If you leave it
unspecified, an appropriate random MAC address will be created. You can also explicitly set a random MAC
address by specifying mac=random.
vif-destroy uuid=<uuid_of_vif>
Destroy a VIF.
vif-plug uuid=<uuid_of_vif>
Attempt to attach the VIF while the VM is in the running state.
vif-unplug uuid=<uuid_of_vif>