Shut down the specified VM.
The VM or VMs on which this operation should be performed are selected using the standard selection mechanism (see VM selectors). Optional arguments can be any number of the VM parameters listed at the beginning of this section.
Use the force argument to cause an ungraceful shutdown, similar to pulling the plug on a physical server.
Start the specified VMs.
The VM or VMs on which this operation should be performed are selected using the standard selection mechanism (see VM selectors). Optional arguments can be any number of the VM parameters listed at the beginning of this section.
If the VMs are on a shared SR in a pool of hosts, use the on argument to specify which host in the pool on which to start the VMs. By default the system will determine an appropriate host, which might be any of the members of the pool.
vm-suspend [<vm-selector>=<vm_selector_value>...]
Suspend the specified VM.
The VM or VMs on which this operation should be performed are selected using the standard selection mechanism (see VM selectors). Optional arguments can be any number of the VM parameters listed at the beginning of this section.
vm-uninstall [<vm-selector>=<vm_selector_value>...] [force=<true false>]
Uninstall a VM, destroying its disks (those VDIs that are marked RW and connected to this VM only) as well as its metadata record. To simply destroy the VM metadata, use xe
The VM or VMs on which this operation should be performed are selected using the standard selection mechanism (see VM selectors). Optional arguments can be any number of the VM parameters listed at the beginning of this section.
Dynamically adjust the number of VCPUs available to a running paravirtual Linux VM within the number bounded by the parameter
The paravirtualized Linux VM or VMs on which this operation should be performed are selected using the standard selection mechanism (see VM selectors). Optional arguments can be any number of the VM parameters listed at the beginning of this section.