Parameter Name Description Type
host-name-label the name of the XenServer host to which
this PIF is connected
read only
IP-configuration-mode type of network address configuration
used; DHCP or static
read only
IP IP address of the PIF, defined here if IP-
configuration-mode is static; undefined if
read only
netmask Netmask of the PIF, defined here if IP-
configuration-mode is static; undefined if
supplied by DHCP
read only
gateway Gateway address of the PIF, defined
here if IP-configuration-mode is static;
undefined if supplied by DHCP
read only
DNS DNS address of the PIF, defined here if
IP-configuration-mode is static; undefined
if supplied by DHCP
read only
io_read_kbs average read rate in kB/s for the device read only
io_write_kbs average write rate in kB/s for the device read only
carrier link state for this device read only
vendor-id the ID assigned to NIC's vendor read only
vendor-name the NIC vendor's name read only
device-id the ID assigned by the vendor to this NIC
read only
device-name the name assigned by the vendor to this
NIC model
read only
speed data transfer rate of the NIC read only
duplex duplexing mode of the NIC; full or half read only
pci-bus-path PCI bus path address read only
sets the speed of connection in Mbps read write
set to no to disable autonegotiation of
the physical interface or bridge. Default is
read write
Sets duplexing capability of the PIF,
either full or half.
read write