Configuring a Boot Device on an EMC Storage Array
◆SCSI hard disks are allowed in SAN boot configurations. However, the BIOS for the disk's SCSI adapters must be disabled. Any SCSI disks attached to the host should be disconnected during the operating system installation.
◆For servers with SCSI
◆For servers with IDE
◆Disable the BIOS on any other HBAs in the system other than the QLogic HBA designated for booting.
Configuring the QLogic BIOS for SAN boot
After the BIOS is installed and enabled, it must be configured for use for booting from the EMC VNX series or CLARiiON storage system.
In cases where the host is booting from an internal drive and is being converted to boot from the SAN, QLogic SANsurfer may be used to configure the BIOS for SAN boot. Refer to the complete documentation and
If this is a new VNX series or CLARiiON SAN boot configuration, the BIOS may be configured at boot time using the Fast!UTIL utility. The following procedure describes how to configure the BIOS.
1.Connect the VNX series or CLARiiON SP iSCSI port to the adapter in the
2.Boot the server, and press
Note: Different HBA models may display different banners. Be sure to select
3.After Fast!UTIL loads, the display depends on whether there are multiple QLogic HBAs installed: