Installing and Configuring the Linux Host with the QLogic Driver
RHEL examples An example of the console output reported by the QLogic installation script on RHEL hosts is as follows:
# | QLogic HBA Linux Driver Installation | # |
# | Version: 1.00.00b2pre9 | # |
Kernel version:
Distribution: Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant)
Found QLogic Fibre Channel Adapter in the system 1: QLA2312
Installation will begin for following driver(s) 1: qla2xxx version: v8.00.03
Setting up QLogic HBA SNIA API library...
Unloading any loaded drivers
Unloaded module qla2300
Loading module qla2xxx_conf version: v8.00.03....
Loaded module qla2xxx_conf
Loading module qla2xxx version: v8.00.03....
Loaded module qla2xxx
Loading module qla2300 version: v8.00.03....
Loaded module qla2300
Installing scli....
Installation completed successfully.
Building default persistent binding using SCLI
Configuration saved on HBA port 0. Changes have been saved to persistent storage.
Please reload the QLA driver module/rebuild the RAM disk for
Fibre Channel and FCoE out of kernel driver versions