VR800 Owner’s Manual (MIDI Implementation Chart/MMC List)
When this command is received, this equipment replies with "33 46 <on/off>."
Explanation on the Status Reply
23 47: midi sync out status request
The command for inquiring on status of the midi sync out setup condition. When this command is received, this equip- ment replies with "33 47 <midi sync>."
23 48: MTC offset mode status request
The command for inquiring the MTC offset mode setup status. When this command is received, this equipment replies with "33 48 <MTC offset mode>."
23 49: vari pitch status request
The command for inquiring status of vari pitch on/off and vari pitch data. When this command is received, this equipment replies with "33 49 (<count=3> <on/off> <vari data>)."
24 01 (<event number>): signature map request
The command for inquiring the meter setup. Order number counting from the leading tune must be specified in the event number (The first event is expressed as "event number=00." When this command is received, this equipment replies with "34 01(<signature map>)."
24 02 (<event number>): Tempo set map request
The command for inquiring tempo data. Order number from the leading tune must be specified in the event number (The first event is expressed as "event number=00."
When this command is received, this equipment replies with "34 02 (<tempo set map>)."
24 04: preroll time status request
The command for inquiring the preroll time setup status. When this command is received, this equipment replies with "34 04 (<mmc time>)."
24 05: remain time request
The command for inquiring the disk remaining time which is recordable. When this command is received, this equipment replies with "34 05 (<mmc time>)."
24 06: frame rate status request
The command for inquiring the frame rate setup status. When this command is received, this equipment replies with "34 06 (<frame rate>)."
32 21 (<loop op.mode>): loop operation mode status repry
This is the reply against the "22 21" loop operation status re- quest command. <loop op.mode=12> is the only status data of VR800 and any other setting is not permissible.
32 22 (<on/off>): loop on/off status reply
This is the reply against "22 22" loop on/off status request.
32 28 (<post locate mode>): post locate mode status reply
This is the reply against "22 28" post locate status request. <post locate mode=12 or 15> is the only status data of VR800 and any other setting is not permissible.
32 2D (<edit message>): auto rec status reply
This is the reply against the "12 2D" auto rec command or the "22 2D" auto rec status request.
32 41 (<lock status>): lock status repry
This is the reply against the "22 41" lock status request.
32 42 (<lock mode>): lock mode status reply
This the reply against the "22 42" lock mode status request.
32 45 (<edit message>): copy clip status reply
This is the reply against the "12 45" copy clip command or the "22 45" copy clip status request.
32 46 (<edit message>): copy paste status reply
32 46 (<edit message><mmc time>): copy paste status reply
This is the reply against the "12 46" copy paste command or the "22 46" copy paste status request. <mmc time> indicates the unprocessed time until completion of copy paste editing.
32 47 (<edit message>): erase status reply
32 47 (<edit message><mmc time>): erase status reply
This is the reply against "12 47" erase command or "22 47" erase status request.
32 49 (<edit message><count><mmc track>): clipboard play status reply
This is the reply against the "12 49" clipboard play command. If there is no sound data in the clipboard, "32 49"(<edit mes- sage=14 (void data)>)" will be replied. <mmc track> indicates the sound data track number.
24 08: time base status
The command for inquiring the setup status of the time base shown in the display. When this command is received, this equipment replies with "3408 (<time base>)."
32 4A (<edit message>): undo status reply
This is the reply against the "12 4A" undo command. Either <edit message=01 (completed) or <edit message=14 (void data)> will be replied.
32 4B (<edit message>): redo status reply
This is the reply against the "12 4B" redo command. Either <edit message=01 (completed)> or <edit message=14 (void data)> will be replied.
32 4D (<edit message>): move clip status reply
This is the reply against the "12 4D" move clip command or "22 4D" move clip status request.
32 4E (<edit message>): move paste status reply
32 4E (<edit message><mmc time>): move paste status reply
The reply against the "12 4E" move paste command or the "22