TeemTalk Connection Configuration
Enter the name or IP address of the server to connect to in this field, and select the number of the port to use from the Port list.
This enables you to select from a wide range of terminal emulations.
Note that the options available in this dialog will change according to the selected terminal emulation.
Refer to the "TeemTalk User Manual" for a complete description of the terminal emulations, setup options and advanced functions.
Telnet Name
This enables you to override the name that will be reported for the terminal type over Telnet.
Graphic Emulation
This option is only available if your version of TeemTalk supports graphics emulations and the Emulation option is set to one of the DEC VT, Ansi BBS, AIXTerm, AT 386 or Sco Console emulations. The setting determines the graphics mode that will be entered when the host sends graphics commands.
Terminal ID
This identifies the specific terminal model being emulated by TeemTalk in response to a terminal ID request from the host. (Note that not all features of the specified terminal may be supported.)
Preferred Font
This enables you to select the character set to be used for displaying characters.
ANSI Codepage
This specifies the character set used for display when Preferred Font is set to ANSI.