NeoLinux 2 thin client 1 user manual 3
parallel port 8 mapping 262
password reset 24
screen saver 25, 219 setting 20 shadowing 225
peripheral devices connecting 9
Ping tool 280 PNAgent 157
Edit new connection dialog Common Settings tab 161 Network tab 160
editing a connection configuration 160 introduction 157
new connection 158 ports
COM 8, 259
LPT1 262 mapping 257 parallel 8, 262 serial 8, 259 USB 8, 263
power button behaviour 33 delay shutdown 34 disable 33 settings dialog 33 shutdown behaviour 33
printer connecting 9 default 244 settings
Firefox 156 line printer 244
TeemTalk 136
ThinPrint 250 printer configuration 243 Printers dialog 244
General tab 245 Queues tab 247 Remote lpr tab 248
RAM usage 278
RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol) 91 Edit new connection dialog 95 Common Settings tab 106
Experience tab 104 Local Resources tab 102 Network tab 95 Options tab 99 Window tab 97
editing a connection configuration 94 General settings dialog 109 introduction 91
new connection 92 rebooting the system 27 Registry Editor 283
displaying 283 introduction 283 modifying a key 286 password 20 window description 285
remote administration 273 reset password 24
reset to factory defaults 24 resolution 207
safe VGA mode 36 safety instructions iv screen saver 218
keyboard shortcut 28 security 20
serial number 278 serial port 8