80 Preliminary User’s Manual S15543EJ1V0UM
Table 2-18. Branch Instructions (Extended ISA)Instruction Format and Description
Branch On Equal Likely BEQL rs, rt, offset
If the contents of register rs are equal to that of register rt, the program branches to the target address.
If the branch condition is not met, the instruction in the delay slot is discarded.
Branch On Not Equal
BNEL rs, rt, offset
If the contents of register rs are not equal to that of register rt, the program branches to the target
address. If the branch condition is not met, the instruction in the delay slot is discarded.
Branch On Less Than
Or Equal To Zero Likely
BLEZL rs, offset
If the contents of register rs are less than or equal to zero, the program branches to the target address.
If the branch condition is not met, the instruction in the delay slot is discarded.
Branch On Greater
Than Zero Likely
BGTZL rs, offset
If the contents of register rs are greater than zero, the program branches to the target address. If the
branch condition is not met, the instruction in the delay slot is discarded.
Instruction Format and Description
Branch On Less Than
Zero Likely
BLTZL rs, offset
If the contents of register rs are less than zero, the program branches to the target address. If the
branch condition is not met, the instruction in the delay slot is discarded.
Branch On Greater
Than Or Equal To Zero
BGEZL rs, offset
If the contents of register rs are greater than or equal to zero, the program branches to the target
address. If the branch condition is not met, the instruction in the delay slot is discarded.
Branch On Less Than
Zero And Link Likely
BLTZALL rs, offset
The address of the instruction that follows delay slot is stored to register r31 (link register).
If the contents of register rs are less than zero, the program branches to the target address. If the
branch condition is not met, the instruction in the delay slot is discarded.
Branch On Greater
Than Or Equal To Zero
And Link Likely
BGEZALL rs, offset
The address of the instruction that follows delay slot is stored to register r31 (link register).
If the contents of register rs are greater than or equal to zero, the program branches to the target
address. If the branch condition is not met, the instruction in the delay slot is discarded.
Instruction Format and Description
Branch On
Coprocessor 0 True
BC0TL offset
Adds the 16-bit offset (shifted left by two bits and sign extended to 32 bits) to the address of the
instruction in the delay slot to calculate the branch target address.
If the conditional signal of the coprocessor 0 is true, the program branches to the target address with
one-instruction delay.
If the branch condition is not met, the instruction in the delay slot is discarded.
Branch On
Coprocessor 0 False
BC0FL offset
Adds the 16-bit offset (shifted left by two bits and sign extended to 32 bits) to the address of the
instruction in the delay slot to calculate the branch target address.
If the conditional signal of the coprocessor 0 is false, the program branches to the target address with
one-instruction delay.
If the branch condition is not met, the instruction in the delay slot is discarded.
op rs rt offset
REGIMM offset
rs sub
COP0 offset
BC br