7000 Series L3 Managed Switch Reference Manual for Software v2.0

Join Timer

Specifies the interval between the transmission of GARP PDUs


registering (or re-registering) membership for an attribute. Cur-


rent attributes are a VLAN or multicast group. There is an


instance of this timer on a per-Port, per-GARP participant basis.


Permissible values are 10 to 100 centiseconds (0.1 to 1.0 sec-


onds). The factory default is 20 centiseconds (0.2 seconds). The


finest granularity of specification is 1 centisecond (0.01 seconds).

Leave Timer

Specifies the period of time to wait after receiving an unregis-


tered request for an attribute before deleting the attribute. Current


attributes are a VLAN or multicast group. This may be consid-


ered a buffer time for another station to assert registration for the


same attribute in order to maintain uninterrupted service. There is


an instance of this timer on a per-Port, per-GARP participant


basis. Permissible values are 20 to 600 centiseconds (0.2 to 6.0


seconds). The factory default is 60 centiseconds (0.6 seconds).


The finest granularity of specification is 1 centisecond (0.01 sec-



LeaveAll Timer

This Leave All Time controls how frequently LeaveAll PDUs are


generated. A LeaveAll PDU indicates that all registrations will


shortly be deregistered. Participants will need to rejoin in order to


maintain registration. There is an instance of this timer on a per-


Port, per-GARP participant basis. The Leave All Period Timer is


set to a random value in the range of LeaveAllTime to


1.5*LeaveAllTime. Permissible values are 200 to 6000 centisec-


onds (2 to 60 seconds). The factory default is 1000 centiseconds


(10 seconds). The finest granularity of specification is 1 centisec-


ond (0.01 seconds).

Port GMRP Mode

Indicates the GMRP administrative mode for the port. It may be


enabled or disabled. If this parameter is disabled, Join Time,


Leave Time and Leave All Time have no effect. The factory


default is disabled.

Port GVRP Mode

Indicates the GVRP administrative mode for the port. It may be


enabled or disabled. If this parameter is disabled, Join Time,


Leave Time and Leave All Time have no effect. The factory


default is disabled.


Switching Commands

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NETGEAR L3 manual Specifies the interval between the transmission of Garp PDUs