6-4 User’s Reference Guide
To connect the Netopia R3100 to your computer for serial console communication, use the supplied dual console cable connector end appropriate to your platform:
If you are configuring your router via a terminal session, your computer must be running a standard terminal emulation or communications software program, such as those used with modems.
■If you connect a PC with Microsoft Windows 95 or NT, you can use the HyperTerminal application bundled with the operating system.
■If you connect a Macintosh computer, you can use the ZTerm terminal emulation program on the supplied Netopia R3100 CD.
Launch your terminal emulation software and configure the communications software for the following values. These are the default communication parameters that the Netopia R3100 uses.
Parameter | Suggested Value |
Terminal type | PC: |
| Mac: ANSI, |
Data bits | 8 |
Parity | None |
Stop bits | 1 |
Speed | Options are: 9600, 19200, 38400, or 57600 bits per second |
Flow Control | None |
Note: The router firmware contains an autobaud detection feature. If you are at any screen on the serial console, you can change your baud rate and press Return (HyperTerminal for the PC requires a disconnect). The new baud rate is displayed at the bottom of the screen.