Setting Up Telco Services |
Completing the ISDN worksheet
The following ISDN worksheets are provided for you to enter ISDN account information. For your convenience, you may want to photocopy the appropriate ISDN worksheet, and then complete the copy.
When completing the worksheet, fill in:
■Section 1 when you find out from whom you’ll be ordering your ISDN line.
■Section 2 when ordering your ISDN line.
■Section 3 after ordering your ISDN line.
Complete the worksheet carefully. You will need this information when configuring the Netopia Router.
Have the worksheet available if you call Farallon Technical Support. The information on the sheet will help a Farallon technician answer your questions quickly.
Note: The ISDN worksheet is for your convenience only. You may receive forms containing similar information from your ISDN service provider. The ISDN worksheet is neither an application for an ISDN line nor a substitute for the forms your ISDN service provider uses.