132IP Routing Configuration and Management

5530-24TFD(config)# interface FastEthernet 2/8

5530-24TFD(config-if)# brouter vlan 2091 subnet

5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip enable

5530-24TFD(config-if)# ip rip in-policy rip_pol_1


The show running-configcommand is used to display the current configuration of a switch. Using this command on the above configuration would yield the following results:


! *** Route Policies *** !

ip prefix-list Prefix_1 ge 20 le 32 route-map rip_pol_1

route-map rip_pol_1 1 enable

no route-map rip_pol_1 1 match interface route-map rip_pol_1 1 match metric 0 route-map rip_pol_1 1 match network Prefix_1 no route-map rip_pol_1 1 match next-hop route-map rip_pol_1 1 match route-type any no route-map rip_pol_1 match route-source route-map rip_pol_1 1 set injectlist Prefix_1 route-map rip_pol_1 set mask route-map rip_pol_1 set metric 0

route-map rip_pol_1 set nssa-pbit enable route-map rip_pol_1 set ip-preference 0 ! *** Brouter Port *** !

interface fastEthernet ALL brouter port 2/7

vlan 2090 subnet ip rip in-policy rip_pol_1

brouter port 2/8 vlan 2091 subnet ip rip in-policy rip_pol_1

Using RIP announce policies

In the previous configuration example, a RIP accept policy is used on ERS1 to insert a single route into its route table for all networks from ERS3. Instead of using an accept policy on ERS1, a RIP announce policy on ERS3 could be used to announce a single route to both ERS1 and ERS2 for the local network range.

To configure the RIP announce policy on ERS3, use the following configuration steps:

Nortel Ethernet Routing Switch 5500 Series

Configuration-IP Routing Protocols

NN47200-503 03.01 Standard

5.127 August 2007

Copyright © 2005-2007, Nortel Networks

Page 132
Image 132
Nortel Networks NN47200-503 manual Using RIP announce policies