7.4 Changing Printer and Workgroup Name

Setting format of config.txt
Item | Remarks | Value | Factory Setting |
Printer Language | Language to be used. | Japanese/ | English |
| English |
Host Name | Host name of the printer | Maximum | |
| 15 bytes | (xxxxxx: last 3 bytes |
| of the printer MAC |
| address) |
Workgroup | Name of workgroup of printer | Maximum | WORKGROUP |
| 15 bytes |
NETBEUI | Activation of NetBEUI protocol | On/Off | On |
TCP/IP | Activation of TCP/IP protocol | On/Off | On |
Spool | Activation of spool function. | Disk/Memory/ Off | |
| Can select from Disk, Memory, | Off |
| and Off. |
| If Disk is not recognised when it is |
| selected, it will become Off. |
Max Spool Size | The maximum receive buffer size | 512 - 32768 | 1024 Kbyte |
| duringspooling. | (unit: Kbyte) |
| Can be set in 256 Kbyte units. |
Max Receive Buffer | The maximum receive buffer size | 64 - 1024 | 256 Kbyte |
| during | (unit: Kbyte) |
| Can be set in 32 Kbyte units. |
Auto Driver Download | Activation of the automatic | Enable/Disable | Enable |
| downloading of printer driver. |
PJL | Activation of PJL | On/Off | On |
Print Mode | Set the printer language. | AUTO/PS/PCL | AUTO |
Auto Master Mode | Activation of the automatic browse | On/Off | On |
| master feature. |
| No available when WINS Server |
| is designated. |
Encrypt Password | Activation of the encrypt | On/Off | On |
| password feature. |
Time Zone | Set the time zone in units of | 540 mins | |
| minutes. | (unit: minutes) | (Japan) |
Summer Time | Set the period of summer time |
| |
| |
| hhddmm) |
| 113 |
Setup for Windows Networking