Shared Key - Select 802.11 Shared Key authentications.
Open System - Select 802.11 Open System authentication.
zWEP Key Format - You can select ASCII or Hexadecimal format. ASCII Format stands for any combination of keyboard characters in the specified length. Hexadecimal format stands for any combination of hexadecimal digits
zWEP Key settings - Select which of the four keys will be used and enter the matching WEP key information for your network in the selected key radio button. These values must be identical on all wireless stations in your network.
zKey Type - You can select the WEP key length
If you do not set the key, the wireless security function is still disabled even if you have selected Shared Key as Authentication Type.
zVersion - You can select one of following versions:
Automatic - Select WPA or WPA2 automatically based on the wireless station's capability and request.
WPA2 - WPA version 2.
zEncryption - You can select either Automatic, or TKIP or AES.
zRadius Server IP - Enter the IP address of the Radius Server.
zRadius Port - Enter the port that radius service uses.
zRadius Password - Enter the password for the Radius Server.
zGroup Key Update Period - Specify the group key update interval in seconds. The value can be either 0 or at least 30. Enter 0 to disable the update.