5GHz 150Mbps Outdoor Wireless Access Point User Guide
¾Traceroute Max TTL - Set the maximum number of hops (max TTL to be reached) in the path to search for the target (destination). The default is 20.
Click the Start button to start the diagnostic procedure.
The Diagnostic Results page (as shown in Figure
If the result is similar to the following screen, the connectivity of the Internet is fine.
Figure 5-81 Diagnostic Results
1.Only one user can use the diagnostic tools at one time.
2."Ping Count", "Ping Packet Size" and "Ping Timeout" are Ping Parameters, and "Traceroute Max TTL" is Traceroute Parameter.
5.17.3 Firmware Upgrade
Choose menu “System Tools > Firmware Upgrade”, and then you can update the latest version of firmware for the Device on the following screen.
Figure 5-82 Firmware Upgrade
¾To upgrade the Device's firmware, follow these instructions:
1.Download a most recent firmware upgrade file from our website