3 Programming Over RS-232C
Interface Operation 3–3
RS-232C Cables 3–3
Minimum Three-Wire Interface with Software Protocol 3–4
Extended Interface with Hardware Handshake 3–4
Cable Examples 3–6
Configuring the Logic Analzer Interface 3–8
Interface Capabilities 3–9
RS-232C Bus Addressing 3 –10
Lockout Command 3–11
4 Programming and Documentation Conventions
Truncation Rule 4–3
Infinity Representation 4–4
Sequential and Overlapped Commands 4–4
Response Generation 4–4
Syntax Diagrams 4–4
Notation Conventions and Definitions 4–5
The Command Tree 4–5
Tree Traversal Rules 4–6
Command Set Organization 4–14
Subsystems 4–15
Program Examples 4–16
5 Message Communication and System Functions
Protocols 5–3
Syntax Diagrams 5–5
Syntax Overview 5–7
6 Status Reporting
Event Status Register 6–4
Service Request Enable Register 6–4
Bit Definitions 6– 4
Key Features 6–6
Serial Poll 6–7