Query :MENU?
The MENU query returns the current menu selection.
Returned Format [:MENU] <module>,<menu><NL>
Example OUTPUT XXX;":ME NU?"
MESE<N> (Module Event Status Enable)Command :MESE<N> <ena ble_valu e>
The MESE command sets the Module Event Status Enable register. This
register is the enable register for the MESR register. The <N> index
specifies the module, and the parameter specifies the enable value. For the
1660-series logic analyzer, the <N> index 0, 1, or 2 refers to system, logic
analyzer, or oscilloscope respectively.
<N> An integer 0 through 2 (3 through 10 unused).
<enable_value> An integer from 0 through 255
Example OUTPUT XXX;":ME SE1 3"
Query :MESE<N>?
The query returns the current setting. Tables 9-6, 9-7, and 9-8 list the
Module Event Status Enable register bits, bit weights, and what each bit
masks for the mainframe, logic analyzer, and oscilloscope respectively.
Returned Format [:MESE<N>] <e nable_value> <NL>
Example OUTPUT XXX;":ME SE1?"
Mainframe Commands
MESE<N> (Module Event Status Enable)