The commands of the Trigger Subsystem allow you to set all the
trigger conditions necessary for generating a trigger. Many of the
commands in the Trigger subsystem may be used in either the EDGE
or the PATTern trigger mode. If a command is a valid command for
the chosen trigger mode, then that setting will be accepted by the
oscilloscope. However, if the command is not valid for the trigger
mode, an error will be generated. None of the commands of this
subsystem (except Mode) are used in conjunction with Immediate
trigger mode.
See Figure 34-1 for the TRIGger Subsystem Syntax Diagram.
The EDGE Trigger Mode
In the EDGE trigger mode, the oscilloscope triggers on an edge of a
waveform, specified by the SOURce, DELay, LEVel, and SLOPe commands.
If a source is not specified, then the current source is assumed. The DELay
value corresponds to the Count field displayed on the TRIGger menu.
The PATTern Trigger Mode
In the pattern trigger mode, the oscilloscope triggers when a pattern is
generated using the CONDition, DELay, LEVel, LOGic and PATH commands.
The CONDition command allows the oscilloscope to trigger when entering
the specified pattern or exiting the pattern. The DELay value corresponds
to the Count field displayed on the TRIGger menu. The LOGic command
defines the pattern. The PATH command is used to change the trigger
pattern and level. The path consists of two channels.