Communication, 1–3
program example, 36–9
COMPare selector, 20–4
COMPare Subsystem, 20–1, 20–3, 20–4,
20–5, 20–6, 20–7, 20–8, 20–9, 20–10,
20–11, 20–12, 20–13
Complex qualifier, 16–11, 22–11
Compound commands, 1–8
CONDition, 34–5, 34–6
CONDition?, 34–6
Configuration file, 1–4
CONNect, 30–5
connect dots, 30–5
CONNect?, 30–5
Controller mode, 2–3
Controllers, 1–3
Conventions, 4–5
COPY command, 11–10, 20–6
COUNt, 28–3, 28–4, 35–9
COUNt?, 28–4, 35–9
count_argument, 28–3
count_number, 34–4
COUPling, 29–4
COUPling?, 29–5
DATA, 10–5, 26–4, 35–9
command, 10–5
State (no tags, 26–10, 26–11
data acquisition, 28–3
Data acquisition type, 35–2
Data and Setup Commands, 26–1, 26–3,
26–4, 26–5, 26–6, 26–7, 26–8, 26–9, 26–10,
26–11, 26–12, 26–13, 26–14, 26–15, 26–16,
data averaging, 35–3
Data bits, 3–9
8-Bit mode, 3–9
Data block
Analyzer 1 data, 26–7
Analyzer 2 data, 26–9
Data preamble, 26–6
Section data, 26–6
Section header, 26–6
Data Carrier Detect(DCD), 3–5
DATA command/query, 10–5, 20–7, 20–8
data conversion, 35–6, 35–7, 35–8
Data mode, 2–3
Data preamble, 26–6, 26–7, 26–8, 26–9
DATA query, 17–9, 24–9
Data Terminal Equipment, 3–3
Data Terminal Ready(DTR), 3–5
data to time conversion, 35–6
data transfer, 35–2, 35–12
data transfer format, 35–4, 35–5
data transmission mode, 35–10
data value to trigger point conversion, 35–6
DATA?, 35–9
DataCommunications Equipment, 3–3
DataSet Ready (DSR), 3–5
DCE, 3–3
DCL, 2–6
DDE, 6–5
Definite-length block response data, 1–20
DELay, 33–4, 34–7
DELay command/query, 14–5, 18–7, 23–9
DELay?, 33–4, 34–7
delay_argument, 33–3
DELete command, 12–5
delta voltage measurement, 31–7
Device address, 1–6
GPIB, 2–4
RS-232C, 3–10
Device clear, 2–6
Device dependent errors, 7–3
DIGitize, 27–5
display of waveforms, 30–5
DISPlay Subsystem, 30–2
Documentation conventions, 4–5
DOWNload command, 11–11
DSP command, 10–6
DTE, 3–3
Duplicate keywords, 1–9
ECL, 29–5
edge search, 31–16
EDGE trigger, 34–2, 34–11
EDGE Trigger Mode, 34–2
Ellipsis, 4–5
Embedded strings, 1–3, 1–6
Enter statement, 1–3
EOI command, 9–11
ERRor command, 10–7
Error messages, 7–2
ESB, 6–4
Event Status Register, 6–4
Using AUToscale, 27–4
program, 36–2
EXE, 6–5
Execution errors, 7–4
Exponents, 1–12
Extended interface, 3–4
FALLtime, 32–6
falltime measurement, 32–6
FALLtime?, 32–6
File type s, 11–1 2
FIND command/query, 16–13, 22–13
FIND query, 20–9
FORMat, 35–10
FORMat?, 35–10
Fractional values, 1–13
FREQuency, 32–6
frequency measurement, 32–6
FREQuency?, 32–6
GET, 2–6
GLEDge command/query, 22–14
GPIB, 2–2, 2–3, 6–8
GPIB address, 2–3
GPIB device address, 2–4
GPIB interface, 2–3
GPIB interface code, 2–4
GPIB interface functions, 2–2
greater than_argument, 31–5
Group execute trigger, 2–6
HAXis command/query, 19–5, 19–6
HEADer command, 1–16, 10–8
Headers, 1–6, 1–8, 1–11
horizontal time range, 33–6
Host language, 1–6
HTIMe qu ery, 12 –6