Section Header Description
The section header uses bytes 1 through 16 (this manual begins counting at
1; there is no byte 0). The 16 bytes of the section header are as follows:
Byte Position
110 bytes - Section name ("DATA space space space space space space" in
ASCII for the DATA instruction).
11 1 byte - Reserved
12 1 byte - Module ID (0010 0000 binary or 32 decimal for the 1660-series logic
13 4 bytes - Length of section in number of bytes that, when converted to
decimal, specifies the number of bytes contained in the section.
Section Data
For the SYSTem:DATA command, the <section data> parameter consists of
two parts: the data preamble and the acquisition data. These are described
in the following two sections.
Data Preamble Description
The block data is organized as 160 bytes of preamble information, followed by
a variable number of bytes of data. The preamble gives information for each
analyzer describing the amount and type of data captured, where the trace
point occurred in the data, which pods are assigned to which analyzer, and
other information. The values stored in the preamble represent the captured
data currently stored in this structure and not the current analyzer
configuration. For example, the mode of the data (bytes 21 and 49) may be
STATE with tagging, while the current setup of the analyzer is TIMING.
The preamble (bytes 17 through 176) consists of the following 160 bytes:
17 2 bytes - Instrument ID (always 1660 decimal for 1660-series logic analyzers)
19 1 byte - Revision Code
20 1 byte - number of acquisition chips used in last acquisition
DATA and SETup Commands
Section Header Description