Query :RMODe?
The query returns the current setting.
Returned Format [:RMODe] {SIN Gle|REPetiti ve}<NL>
RTC (Real-time Clock)Command :RTC {<day>,< month>,< year>,<hou r>,<minute >,
The real-time clock command allows you to set the real-time clock to the
current date and time. The DEFault option sets the real-time clock to 01
January 1990, 12:00:00 (24-hour format).
<day> integer from 1 to 31
<month> integer from 1 to 12
<year> integer from 1990 to 2089
<hour> integer from 0 to 23
<minute> integer from 0 to 59
<second> integer from 0 to 59
Example This example sets the real-time clock for 1 January 1992, 20:00:00 (8 PM).
OUTPUT XXX;": RTC 1,1,1992,2 0,0,0"
Mainframe Commands
RTC (Real-time Clock)