Parameter Data Types
There are three main types of data which are used in parameters. They are
numeric, string, and keyword. A fourth type, block data, is used only for a few
instructions: the DATA and SETup instructions in the SYSTem subsystem
(see chapter 10); the CATalog, UPLoad, and DOWNload instructions in the
MMEMory subsystem (see chapter 11). These syntax rules also show how
data may be formatted when sent back from the 1660-series logic analyzers
as a response.
The parameter list always follows the instruction header and is separated
from it by white space. When more than one parameter is used, they are
separated by commas. You are allowed to include one or more white spaces
around the commas, but it is not mandatory.
Numeric data
For numeric data, you have the option of using exponential notation or using
suffixes to indicate which unit is being used. However, exponential notation
is only applicable to the decimal number base. Tables 5-1 and 5-2 in chapter
5, "Message Communications and System Functions," list all available
suffixes. Do not combine an exponent with a unit.
Example The following numbers are all equal:
28 = 0.28E2 = 280E-1 = 28000m = 0.028K.
The base of a number is shown with a prefix. The available bases are binary
(#B), octal (#Q), hexadecimal (#H) and decimal (default).
Example The following numbers are all equal:
#B11100 = #Q34 = #H1C = 28
You may not specify a base in conjunction with either exponents or unit
suffixes. Additionally, negative numbers must be expressed in decimal.
Introduction to Programming
Parameter Data Types