SPERiod? 35–13
TYPE? 35–13
VALid? 35–14
XINCrement? 35–15
XORigin? 35–16
XREFerence? 35–16
YINCrement? 35–17
YORigin? 35–17
YREFerence? 35–18
Part 5 Programming Examples36 Programming Examples
Making a Timing analyzer measurement 36–3
Making a State analyzer measurement 36–5
Making a State Compare measurement 36–9
Transferring the logic analyzer configuration 36–14
Transferring the logic analyzer acquired data 36–17
Checking for measurement completion 36–21
Sending queries to the logic analyzer 36–22
Getting ASCII Data with PRINt? ALL Query 36–24
Reading the disk with the CATalog? ALL query 36–25
Reading the Disk with the CATalog? Query 36–26
Printing to the disk 36–27
Transferring waveform data in Byte format 36–28
Transferring waveform data in Word format 36–30
Using AUToscale and the MEASure:ALL? Query 36–32
Using Sub-routines in a measurement program 36–33