EOI (End Or Identify)
Command :EOI {{ON|1}| {OFF|0}}
The EOI command specifies whether or not the last byte of a reply from the
instrument is to be sent with the EOI bus control line set true or not. If EOI
is turned off, the logic analyzer will no longer be sending IEEE 488.2
compliant responses.
Query :EOI?
The EOI? query returns the current status of EOI.
Returned Format [:EOI] {1|0}< NL>
Example OUTPUT XXX;":EO I?"
LER (LCL Event Register)
Query :LER?
The LER query allows the LCL Event Register to be read. After the LCL
Event Register is read, it is cleared. A one indicates a remote-to-local
transition has taken place. A zero indicates a remote-to-local transition has
not taken place.
Returned Format [:LER] {0|1}< NL>
Example OUTPUT XXX;":LE R?"
Mainframe Commands
EOI (End Or Identify)