Time Tag Data Description
The time tag data starts at the end of the acquired data. Each data row has
an 8-byte time tag for each chip (2-pod set). The starting location of the
time tag data is immediately after the last row of valid data (maximum data
byte + 1). If an analyzer is in a non-transitional mode, the master chip (byte
26) is the only chip with valid time-tag data. The time tag data is a decimal
integer representing time in picoseconds for both timing and state time tags.
For state tags in the state analyzer, tag data is a decimal integer representing
the number of states.
Time Tag Block (for the 1660A)
Byte 1 through 8 (64 bits starting with the MSB) - First sample tag for pods 1
and 2.
Byte 9 through 16 (64 bits starting with the MSB) - Second sample tag for
pods 1 and 2.
Byte (w) through (w + 7) (64 bits starting with the MSB) - Last sample tag
for pods 1 and 2.
Byte (w + 8 ) through (w + 15) (64 bits starting with the MSB) - First sample
tag for pods 3 and 4.
Byte (w + 16 ) through (w + 23) (64 bits starting with the MSB) - Second
sample tag for pods 3 and 4.
Byte (x) through (x+ 7) (64 bits starting with the MSB) - Last sample tag for
pods 3 and 4.
DATA and SETup Commands
Time Tag Data Description