Query :SYSTem:DATA?
The SYSTem:DATA query returns the block data. The data sent by the
SYSTem:DATA query reflects the configuration of the machines when the
last run was performed. Any changes made since then through either
front-panel operations or programming commands do not affect the stored
Returned Format [:SYSTem:DA TA] <block_dat a><NL>
Example See chapter 36, "Programming Examples" for an example on transferring data.
DSP (Display)
Command :SYSTem:DSP <string>
The DSP command writes the specified quoted string to a device-dependent
portion of the instrument display.
<string> A string of up to 68 alphanumeric characters
Example OUTPUT XXX;":SY STEM:DSP The mess age goes here"
SYSTem Subsystem
DSP (Display)